
Module Contents#





The base class for all external data resolvers.


class tlc.core.external_data_resolver.ExternalDataResolver#

Bases: abc.ABC

The base class for all external data resolvers.

These are objects which can transform a table row (typically a training example) from its literal contents into its final form required for e.g. performing ML training.

A typical sample would be an image filename (the literal contents) which is transformed into an actual image (the external data which is pulled in).

abstract will_transform_object_property(tlc_object: tlc.core.object.Object, property_name: str) bool#

Indicates whether this external data resolver will want to transform a single, named property within an object.

The decision is based solely on the schema of the object.

abstract transform_object_property(tlc_object: tlc.core.object.Object, property_name: str) None#

Transforms a single property within an object from its literal value into the actual representation used by e.g. ML training

abstract transform_object_property_schema(schema: tlc.core.schema.Schema, property_name: str) None#

Transforms a single property within a schema from its literal description into a schema describing what the property will look like after a transform has taken place