
Maintains a global list of registered 3LC object types.

Module Contents#





A class which maintains a global list of registered 3LC object types.


exception tlc.core.object_type_registry.NotRegisteredError(type_name: str)#

Bases: Exception

Exception raised when a type or component is not registered.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

exception tlc.core.object_type_registry.MalformedContentError(missing_attribute: str)#

Bases: ValueError

Exception raised when a serialized object does not contain expected attributes.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

class tlc.core.object_type_registry.ObjectTypeRegistry#

A class which maintains a global list of registered 3LC object types.

This list is used e.g. when a JSON string containing a ‘type’ property needs to be mapped to a create_object() method on a particular class.

Note that the registry also contains abstract types like “Table” in order to deduce inheritance and order between types.

static register_object_type(obj_type: type[tlc.core.object.Object]) None#

Register a 3LC object type (i.e. a class derived from Object) so that it can be mapped to a ‘type’ property found within a JSON structure.

This way, instances of the class can be instantiated from JSON strings as needed.

static get_object_type_from_type_name(type_name: str) type[tlc.core.object.Object] | None#

Get 3LC object type from type name.


type_name – The type name to look up


The object type if found, otherwise None


NotRegisteredError – If the type name is not registered

static print_object_types(line_prefix: str = '') None#

Print all object types. OlaFixme! Print class hierarchy recursively

static is_type_registered(_type_name: str) bool#

Reports whether a type name is registered in the system

Only registered types can be instantiated

static is_type_derived_from(_type: str, _base_type: str) bool#

Reports whether an object type is derived from another

Raises if the type strings are not possible to resolve into registered types

static get_object_type_from_content(content: Any) type[tlc.core.object.Object] | None#

Returns the object type for the given content.

Tries to look up the type name in the content, and if that fails, tries to infer if the table has the required properties set so that it can be served as an “opaque” table. This requires that the table has a row-cache set and is fully defined.


content – A dictionary containing the properties of an object.


The object type for the given content.