Opening a specific Run or Table will create a new view in a dedicated tab called “Examples” or “Metrics”.
When opening a Run you will see the same three panels as described earlier, with a rows panel named Metrics. When a 3LC Table was used as input to produce the metrics, that input data is joined and shown alongside all the metrics data for the Run. This is at the core of the 3LC workflow, allowing you to make improvements to your data based on the model predictions and metrics.
As you begin to edit your data, these revised editions are represented as new Tables. Sometimes, you might want to look at your metrics alongside the latest revision of your data with all the changes you have made, while other times you might want to look at the metrics alongside the data such as it was when the metrics were collected. To control which Table is shown together with the metrics, press 4 to open the “Details” menu, and scroll down to “Referenced Tables”. Here you can see which Tables are currently being shown, and if multiple Tables exist for the same dataset, you can switch between them.

When opening a Table you will see an instantiation of a particular revision of your dataset. Just like in a Run, you can modify your samples directly.