This module defines a set of constants used as identifiers and keys for managing and tracking common data columns in a dataset.
Module Contents¶
Data |
Description |
Identifier for the weight of a sample in a dataset |
Linear index of an example in a dataset |
Key representing the training epoch |
Identifier for a table that is used as input to another table |
Key for an image column |
Key for a label corresponding to an input data example |
Generic height dimension, applicable to various contexts |
Generic width dimension, applicable to various contexts |
Height of an image in pixels |
Width of an image in pixels |
Key for a column containing bounding boxes |
Key for a column containing predicted bounding boxes |
List of bounding boxes |
Count of true positive predictions |
Count of false positive predictions |
Count of false negative predictions |
Intersection over Union, a measure of object detection accuracy |
Confidence score for a prediction |
Key for segmentation data or masks |
First x-coordinate of a bounding box |
First y-coordinate of a bounding box |
Second x-coordinate of a bounding box |
Second y-coordinate of a bounding box |
Key for the iscrowd flag in COCO annotations |
Key for the status of a run |
Status code for a completed run |
Status code for an empty run |
Status code for a running run |
Status code for a run that is collecting data |
Status code for a run that is post-processing data |
Status code for a paused run |
Status code for a cancelled run |
Key for a column indicating that a row should be deleted |
Template for column names in written metric tables |
Key for a column containing predicted masks |
Key for a column containing pixel data |
Key for the size of an object in the x-dimension |
Key for the size of an object in the y-dimension |
Key for the size of an object in the z-dimension |
Key for a column containing voxel data |
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.SAMPLE_WEIGHT = weight¶
Identifier for the weight of a sample in a dataset
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.EXAMPLE_ID = example_id¶
Linear index of an example in a dataset
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.EPOCH = epoch¶
Key representing the training epoch
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.FOREIGN_TABLE_ID = input_table_id¶
Identifier for a table that is used as input to another table
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.IMAGE = image¶
Key for an image column
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.LABEL = label¶
Key for a label corresponding to an input data example
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.HEIGHT = height¶
Generic height dimension, applicable to various contexts
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.WIDTH = width¶
Generic width dimension, applicable to various contexts
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.IMAGE_HEIGHT = image_height¶
Height of an image in pixels
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.IMAGE_WIDTH = image_width¶
Width of an image in pixels
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.BOUNDING_BOXES = bbs¶
Key for a column containing bounding boxes
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.PREDICTED_BOUNDING_BOXES = bbs_predicted¶
Key for a column containing predicted bounding boxes
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.BOUNDING_BOX_LIST = bb_list¶
List of bounding boxes
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.TRUE_POSITIVE = tp¶
Count of true positive predictions
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.FALSE_POSITIVE = fp¶
Count of false positive predictions
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.FALSE_NEGATIVE = fn¶
Count of false negative predictions
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.IOU = iou¶
Intersection over Union, a measure of object detection accuracy
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.CONFIDENCE = confidence¶
Confidence score for a prediction
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.SEGMENTATION = segmentation¶
Key for segmentation data or masks
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.X0 = x0¶
First x-coordinate of a bounding box
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.Y0 = y0¶
First y-coordinate of a bounding box
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.X1 = x1¶
Second x-coordinate of a bounding box
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.Y1 = y1¶
Second y-coordinate of a bounding box
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.IS_CROWD = is_crowd¶
Key for the iscrowd flag in COCO annotations
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.RUN_STATUS = status¶
Key for the status of a run
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.RUN_STATUS_COMPLETED = 1.0¶
Status code for a completed run
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.RUN_STATUS_EMPTY = 2.0¶
Status code for an empty run
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.RUN_STATUS_RUNNING = 3.0¶
Status code for a running run
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.RUN_STATUS_COLLECTING = 4.0¶
Status code for a run that is collecting data
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.RUN_STATUS_POST_PROCESSING = 5.0¶
Status code for a run that is post-processing data
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.RUN_STATUS_PAUSED = 6.0¶
Status code for a paused run
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.RUN_STATUS_CANCELLED = 7.0¶
Status code for a cancelled run
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.SHOULD_DELETE = SHOULD_DELETE¶
Key for a column indicating that a row should be deleted
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.EMBEDDING_COL_NAME = embeddings_{}¶
Template for column names in written metric tables
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.PREDICTED_MASK = predicted_mask¶
Key for a column containing predicted masks
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.PIXELS = Pixels¶
Key for a column containing pixel data
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.SIZE_X = SizeX¶
Key for the size of an object in the x-dimension
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.SIZE_Y = SizeY¶
Key for the size of an object in the y-dimension
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.SIZE_Z = SizeZ¶
Key for the size of an object in the z-dimension
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.column_names.VOXELS = Voxels¶
Key for a column containing voxel data