
Most pages in the 3LC Dashboard are split into three panels: Rows, Filters, and Charts. These panels are connected, and changes within one of them will be reflected in the others. The panels can be resized by dragging the boundaries between them, and they can be collapsed or expanded by clicking the double arrows or double-clicking anywhere on the panel’s title bar.

Rows panel

The Rows panel is a comprehensive view of your tabular data, divided into rows and columns. The exact contents of those rows and columns will depend on which part of the Dashboard is currently being used. Depending on the context, each row in the Rows panel might represent a revision of a dataset, a Run, a sample in a dataset, or an inference pass over a sample.

Rows can be manually selected by LeftClick’ing on them. Alternatively, use Ctrl + LeftClick to select multiple rows at once. With one row selected, Shift + LeftClick another row to select all rows between them.

At the top of the Rows panel, you can see how many rows are currently selected at any time, as well as how many rows match the current filter criteria and hence are shown in the table.

Certain columns, such as weight, are editable. LeftClick an editable cell to change its value, with the exact editing mechanism depending on the type of data in the column. If you have multiple rows selected when making edits, the edits will apply to every selected row.

You can change which columns are shown in the Rows panel at any time. If a column is not useful to what you are doing right now, RightClick on it and click Hide selected column. The visibility of all available columns can be independently toggled on or off by clicking the Wrench symbol on the top bar of the Rows panel. You can add a new column of data to the table by clicking the wrench symbol and then “Create column”.

You can also create new Virtual columns, derived from a selection of existing columns. To do this, make a selection of one or more columns, RightClick, and select Derive virtual column. You will be presented with a list of Operations which can be performed on your selection to produce a new virtual column. The exact operations available will depend on the type of data in the selected columns. For example, if you select two columns containing integers, you will be able to create a new column containing the Sum of the two columns.

It is also possible to change the tabular view and show the rows as a grid, which can be useful for image datasets. To overlay metrics on top of the images in the grid view, check off the metrics you want to see in the menu opened by clicking the wrench symbol.

Filters panel

The Filters panel lets you define which rows you want to show in the Rows panel. In addition to a general “Text filter” to search for specific text across all values within a row, each column in the Rows panel has its own widget in the Filters panel.

The type of widget depends on the type of data in the column. For example, a column containing numbers will have a range slider widget. These slider widgets also show a histogram of the distribution of values in the column. As you use other filters to narrow down the rows shown in the rows panel, the coloring of this histogram will update to show the distribution of values in the remaining rows. When multiple filter widgets are being used, only rows satisfying all of their constraints are shown. In other words, the filters are AND’ed together.

Filter widgets can be collapsed by clicking the arrow in the top right corner of the widget. This will hide the widget, but it will still be applied to the Rows panel and the views within the Charts panel that refer to this Table. To re-expand a collapsed widget, click the arrow again.

Another Reset button (at the very top of the Filters panel) resets all widgets to their default state, unless they have been locked using the button in their top right corner. Locked widgets will not be reset when the “Reset all” button is pressed.

For any filter setting, you can press the button at the top of the Filters panel labeled Create subset table to create a new table with exactly the rows that are currently filtered in. This new Table will be added to the Rows, and can be used in the same way as any other table. Also, a new boolean Virtual column will be created in your original table; the value for each row corresponds to whether or not it is included in the new subset Table.

Charts panel

The Charts panel lets you visualize the data in the Rows panel. In most contexts, the Charts panel will initially be empty by default. To create charts, select one or more columns, RightClick and select Create 2D chart or Create 3D chart. If you select only one column with a single value per row and try to create a 2D chart, the values will be plotted against the example id column. Which columns are assigned to the X-, Y- and Z-axes is determined by the order in which you select them.

If you have three columns selected when creating a 2D chart, the third column will be used to colorize the points in the chart. Similarly, with four columns selected when creating a 3D chart, the fourth column will be used to color the points. If no color column is selected, the points will default to being colored by label.

To display an image in the charts panel, select an image column and create a 2D chart. If you have a column of bounding boxes selected along with an image column when creating the 2D chart, the bounding boxes will be overlaid on the image.