Defines some common keywords which can be used to annotate string values in Schemas
Module Contents¶
Data |
Description |
Default string role |
String which is used in a search field |
String which sets focus to the search field |
String which represents the type of an object |
String which represents a version number |
String which represents a date and time |
String which represents an icon |
String which represents a message in a Log table |
String which can be displayed over multiple lines |
String which represents a URL |
URL which refers to an image |
URL which refers to a segmentation mask image |
URL which refers to a table |
URL which refers to a folder on disk |
URL which refers to an input object |
URL which is used in a search field |
URL which refers to a tensor |
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.string_roles.STRING_ROLE_NONE = <Multiline-String>¶
Default string role
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.string_roles.STRING_ROLE_SEARCH = Search¶
String which is used in a search field
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.string_roles.STRING_ROLE_SEARCH_SET_FOCUS = Search/SetFocus¶
String which sets focus to the search field
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.string_roles.STRING_ROLE_OBJECT_TYPE = ObjectType¶
String which represents the type of an object
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.string_roles.STRING_ROLE_VERSION = Version¶
String which represents a version number
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.string_roles.STRING_ROLE_DATETIME = Datetime¶
String which represents a date and time
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.string_roles.STRING_ROLE_ICON = Icon¶
String which represents an icon
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.string_roles.STRING_ROLE_LOG_MESSAGE = LogMessage¶
String which represents a message in a Log table
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.string_roles.STRING_ROLE_MULTILINE = MultiLine¶
String which can be displayed over multiple lines
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.string_roles.STRING_ROLE_URL = URL¶
String which represents a URL
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.string_roles.STRING_ROLE_IMAGE_URL = URL/Image¶
URL which refers to an image
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.string_roles.STRING_ROLE_SEGMENTATION_MASK_URL = URL/SegmentationMask¶
URL which refers to a segmentation mask image
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.string_roles.STRING_ROLE_TABLE_URL = URL/Table¶
URL which refers to a table
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.string_roles.STRING_ROLE_FOLDER_URL = URL/Folder¶
URL which refers to a folder on disk
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.string_roles.STRING_ROLE_INPUT_URL = URL/Input¶
URL which refers to an input object
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.string_roles.STRING_ROLE_SEARCH_URL = URL/Search¶
URL which is used in a search field
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.string_roles.STRING_ROLE_TENSOR_URL = URL/Tensor¶
URL which refers to a tensor