
A class for writing metrics to persistent storage.

Module Contents





A class for writing metrics tables to runs.


class tlc.core.writers.metrics_writer.MetricsTableWriter(run_url: tlc.core.url.Url | str | None = None, foreign_table_url: tlc.core.url.Url | str = '', foreign_table_display_name: str = '', column_schemas: dict[str, tlc.core.schema.Schema] = {})

Bases: tlc.core.writers.table_writer.TableWriter

A class for writing metrics tables to runs.

Updating Runs with Metrics Tables

A MetricsTableWriter is a specialized TableWriter that writes tables inside a run’s directory. The MetricsTableWriter does not update the run to reference the newly written tables. To do that, call Run.update_metrics with the return value of get_written_metrics_infos.

If a foreign_table_url is supplied, the written metrics table will also be associated with the given foreign table, indicating that each metric value is associated with a specific row in the foreign table.

For this to work, each added metrics batch must contain a column called example_id. This is the foreign key that links the metrics table to the foreign table. The values of example_id are linear indices into the foreign table, starting from 0. A single metrics table can contain multiple values for the same example_id, and does not need to contain values for all example_ids in the foreign table.


from tlc import MetricsTableWriter

# Assuming a input table of length 8 exists at the url "input_table_url"

run = tlc.init()

metrics_writer = MetricsTableWriter(
    foreign_table_display_name="Input Table",

# First batch of metrics, corresponding to the first 4 rows of the foreign table
    "loss": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], "example_id": [0, 1, 2, 3],

# Second batch of metrics, corresponding to the last 4 rows of the foreign table
    "loss": [0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.5], "example_id": [4, 5, 6, 7],

# Finalize the metrics writer to write the metrics table to persistent storage
metrics_table = metrics_writer.finalize()

# Add a reference to the written metrics table to the run

Initialize a MetricsTableWriter.

  • run_url – The Url of the run to write metrics for. Will default to the active run if not provided.

  • foreign_table_url – The Url of the dataset to write metrics for.

  • foreign_table_display_name – An optional display-name of the foreign table to show in the Dashboard. If not provided the dashboard will generate one from the URL.

  • column_schemas – A dictionary of column names to schema overrides. Schemas will be inferred from the data if not provided.

add_batch(metrics_batch:[str, tlc.core.builtins.types.MetricData]) None

Add a batch of metrics to the internal buffer.

The metrics batches sent in to subsequent calls to add_batch on the same MetricsTableWriter must have the same metrics keys, with values of the same type and length.


metrics_batch – A dictionary of metrics, where the keys are the metric names and the values are lists of metric values.


ValueError: If the added batch can’t be written to persistent storage, or is not consistent with the previous batches.

get_written_metrics_infos() list[tlc.core.builtins.types.MetricTableInfo]

Get the list of written metrics infos.


A list of written metrics infos. The returned Urls are relative to the run’s Url.

finalize() tlc.core.objects.table.Table

Write all added batches to persistent storage and return the written table.


The written metrics table.