How to create a subset table#
Subset tables can be useful when you want to only focus on a portion of your dataset. A subset table contains the
filtered-in data at the moment that the subset table is created. When filters and/or polygon selections are applied,
the Create a subset table
icon shows up on the Filters panel’s title bar. Click the icon to create a
subset table.

The new subset table will be shown as a new tab (called “EPOCH=4” for the example below) next to the original tab (called “METRICS”) on the navigation bar. You can switch between the tabs by clicking on them. The currently displayed tab is highlighted in yellow. You can see this subset table below only contains rows with Epoch=4 since it was created with Epoch=4 filtered.

A subset table is independent from the original table and other subset tables. That means any operations in a table will not affect other tables. When you switch among table tabs, the content (e.g., Filters panel and Metrics panel) will be changed accordingly, except for the charts. That is, any charts you have created will remain in display. However, charts created in one table will not be affected by operations in another table. For instance, a filter applied on the original table will not affect a chart created in the subset table.
In the figure below, the embeddings chart on the left is created in the subset table (EPOCH=4 tab), while the embedding
chart on the right is created in the original table (currently active tab), filtering label
to airplane
only takes
effect on the right chart.