How to navigate BBs#
To navigate BBs, select one BB and click the <
or >
icon on the chart’s title bar (or press Left
or Right arrow key) to navigate to previous or next BB. Note that the ground truth and predicted BBs
are navigated independently. In other words, when navigating through the ground truth BBs, the predicted
BBs will not be visited, and vice versa, even if they are plotted on the same chart.

Navigating to a new BB will by default snap the view to that BB as shown below.

If you don’t want to snap to the BB when navigating BBs, you can unselect the option of
Snap to next/previous bounding box
in the global settings dialog.

To snap to a specific BB, you can DoubleClick on the BB, when the option of
Snap to double-clicked bounding box
is toggled on in the global settings as shown above.
To select multiple BBs, you can do one of the two ways:
CTRL + click on BBs
Use a polygon selection tool to select BBs
Note: when using a polygon selection tool, the BBs will be selected as long as the BBs are partially inside the polygon.