
Helpers for analyzing and traversing the lineages of Tables

Module Contents#





Find the latest revision Url that descends from the provided Url by investigating the set of indexed Tables.


Creates a forward graph from a list of table revisions.


Find all leaf nodes in the graph that descend from a given starting Url.


tlc.core.objects.tables.system_tables.indexing_tables.lineage_helper.latest_revision_descending_from_url(url: tlc.core.url.Url, wait_for_rescan: bool, timeout: float | None) tlc.core.url.Url | None#

Find the latest revision Url that descends from the provided Url by investigating the set of indexed Tables.

This function uses the create_graph and find_leaf_descendants_of functions to build a graph of Table-revisions, identify leaf nodes that descend from the provided Url, and return the most recent revision.

Sometimes it is not necessary to wait for a rescan of the indexed tables, but if the TableIndexingTable is known to be out of date, it can be re-scanned by setting the wait_for_rescan parameter to True together with a suitable timeout.


original_url = Url("")
latest_revision_url = latest_revision_descending_from_url(original_url)

Note that if the requested Url is not present in the TableIndexingTable, a ValueError is raised. This typically indicates that the Url has not been persisted yet or is not a part of the current indexed set.

  • url – The original Url from which to trace the latest revision.

  • wait_for_rescan – If True, the TableIndexingTable will re-scan for updates. If False, the TableIndexingTable will be used as-is and may be out of date. Note that Tables created in this thread will automatically appear in the TableIndexingTable without the need to scan.

  • timeout – The maximum time to wait for the TableIndexingTable to be updated, in seconds. None means block until completion.


A Url of the latest revision that descends from the original Url. If there is no revision that descends from the provided Url, None is returned.

tlc.core.objects.tables.system_tables.indexing_tables.lineage_helper.create_forward_graph(revisions: list[tlc.core.objects.tables.system_tables.indexing_tables.table_info.TableInfo]) dict[str, set[str]]#

Creates a forward graph from a list of table revisions.

This function takes a list of table revisions and constructs a directed graph where nodes are revision Urls and edges represent the lineage from one revision to another. This differs from the representation in TableInfo but makes searching for children easier.

If a revision has input_urls that are not present in the revisions-list, it means that the Table/Url pointed to is not (yet) indexed, this is a valid case and such links are ignored, ie. the graph only represents the part of the revision tree that is indexed.

This method also checks for cycles in the graph and raises a ValueError if any are found.

tlc.core.objects.tables.system_tables.indexing_tables.lineage_helper.find_leaf_descendants_of(graph: dict[str, set[str]], start_url: str) set[str]#

Find all leaf nodes in the graph that descend from a given starting Url.

This function performs a depth-first search on the provided graph, starting from the start_url. It collects all leaf nodes encountered during the search.


graph = create_graph(revisions)
leaf_nodes = find_leaf_descendants_of(graph, start_url)
  • graph – The graph to search, represented as a dictionary.

  • start_url – The starting Url for the search.


A set of Urls that are leaf nodes descending from the starting Url.


ValueError: If the start_url is not present in the graph.