How to open two Runs in a session#

If you want to compare the detailed results of two Runs, you can open them in the same session. To do that, click one Run and Ctrl + DoubleClick the other Run in the Runs page. Likewise, you can open two Tables in the same manner.

To compare two Runs in a session, you may want to sort on the Example_id so that samples with the same ID from different Runs will be next to each other. You can create virtual columns to assist the comparison. In the figure above, a virtual column, range of predicted BBs counts for each sample, has been added. This virtual column could be filtered to >1 to see samples that have different numbers of BB predictions for the two Runs.


In order to display two Runs in the same session (i.e., all data in the same metrics table under the same METRICS tab), the two Runs must have exactly the same columns. Otherwise, the two Runs will be opened in two tabs, respectively.

You also can compare the recorded hyperparameters when you are in the two-Run session.