Defines some common keywords which can be used to define the ‘role’ of numeric values within Schemas.
These roles define what a number represents, but not how it is formatted. For this, the ‘unit’ keyword should be used. See for reference.
Module Contents¶
Data |
Description |
Index of a row or column in a table |
A number representing the primary temporal index in a given context |
Label of a row or column in a table |
Foreign key of a row or column in a table |
Index of a row in a table |
Linear index of an example in a dataset |
Hash value of an object |
A number representing the training epoch |
A number representing a metric stream |
A number representing a neural network embedding |
A fraction |
A probability |
A confidence |
An intersection over union |
Minimum x-coordinate of a bounding box |
Center x-coordinate of a bounding box |
Maximum x-coordinate of a bounding box |
Size of a bounding box in the x-dimension |
Half-size of a bounding box in the x-dimension |
Minimum y-coordinate of a bounding box |
Center y-coordinate of a bounding box |
Maximum y-coordinate of a bounding box |
Size of a bounding box in the y-dimension |
Half-size of a bounding box in the y-dimension |
Weight of a sample in a dataset |
Number of voxels in a voxel set |
Number of pixels in a pixel set |
RGB component of a pixel |
Number of vertices in a vertex set |
XY component of a vertex |
XYZ component of a vertex |
Area of a geometric object |
Angle (default unit: radians) |
Index of a run in a group of multi-selected runs |
Time in milliseconds since epoch (UTC) |
The index of a cluster which a data element belongs in |
Time in units since epoch (UTC) |
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_INDEX = index¶
Index of a row or column in a table
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_TEMPORAL_INDEX = temporal_index¶
A number representing the primary temporal index in a given context
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_LABEL = label¶
Label of a row or column in a table
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_FOREIGN_KEY = foreign_key¶
Foreign key of a row or column in a table
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_TABLE_ROW_INDEX = table_row_index¶
Index of a row in a table
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_EXAMPLE_ID = example_id¶
Linear index of an example in a dataset
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_HASH = hash¶
Hash value of an object
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_EPOCH = epoch¶
A number representing the training epoch
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_METRIC_STRING_INDEX = metric_stream_index¶
A number representing a metric stream
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_NN_EMBEDDING = nn_embedding¶
A number representing a neural network embedding
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_FRACTION = fraction¶
A fraction
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_PROBABILITY = fraction/probability¶
A probability
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_CONFIDENCE = fraction/confidence¶
A confidence
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_IOU = fraction/iou¶
An intersection over union
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_BB_MIN_X = bounding_box_min_x¶
Minimum x-coordinate of a bounding box
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_BB_CENTER_X = bounding_box_center_x¶
Center x-coordinate of a bounding box
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_BB_MAX_X = bounding_box_max_x¶
Maximum x-coordinate of a bounding box
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_BB_SIZE_X = bounding_box_size_x¶
Size of a bounding box in the x-dimension
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_BB_HALF_SIZE_X = bounding_box_half_size_x¶
Half-size of a bounding box in the x-dimension
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_BB_MIN_Y = bounding_box_min_y¶
Minimum y-coordinate of a bounding box
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_BB_CENTER_Y = bounding_box_center_y¶
Center y-coordinate of a bounding box
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_BB_MAX_Y = bounding_box_max_y¶
Maximum y-coordinate of a bounding box
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_BB_SIZE_Y = bounding_box_size_y¶
Size of a bounding box in the y-dimension
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_BB_HALF_SIZE_Y = bounding_box_half_size_y¶
Half-size of a bounding box in the y-dimension
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_SAMPLE_WEIGHT = sample_weight¶
Weight of a sample in a dataset
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_VOXEL_COUNT = voxel_count¶
Number of voxels in a voxel set
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_PIXEL_COUNT = pixel_count¶
Number of pixels in a pixel set
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_RGB_COMPONENT = rgb_component¶
RGB component of a pixel
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_VERTEX_COUNT = vertex_count¶
Number of vertices in a vertex set
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_XY_COMPONENT = xy_component¶
XY component of a vertex
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_XYZ_COMPONENT = xyz_component¶
XYZ component of a vertex
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_AREA = area¶
Area of a geometric object
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_ANGLE = angle¶
Angle (default unit: radians)
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_RUN_INDEX = run_index¶
Index of a run in a group of multi-selected runs
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_MS = ms¶
Time in milliseconds since epoch (UTC)
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_CLUSTER_INDEX = cluster_index¶
The index of a cluster which a data element belongs in
- tlc.core.builtins.constants.number_roles.NUMBER_ROLE_TIMESTAMP = timestamp¶
Time in units since epoch (UTC)