
A specialized indexing table for Run objects fetched from URLs.

Module Contents#





A specialized indexing table for Run objects fetched from URLs.


class tlc.core.objects.tables.system_tables.indexing_tables.run_indexing_table.RunIndexingTable(url: tlc.core.url.Url | None = None, project_scan_urls: list[tlc.core.url.Url] | None = None, extra_scan_urls: list[tlc.core.url.Url] | None = None, scan_urls: list[tlc.core.objects.tables.system_tables.indexing._ScanUrl] | None = None, scan_wait: float | None = None, create_default_dirs: bool | None = None, init_parameters: Any = None)#

Bases: tlc.core.objects.tables.system_tables.indexing_table.IndexingTable

A specialized indexing table for Run objects fetched from URLs.

This table is designed to manage Run objects. Each row in this table corresponds to a Run object that is fetched from a URL. It extends from the generic IndexingTable to provide functionalities specifically optimized for handling Run objects.


table = RunIndexingTable.instance()
for row in table.table_rows:
Closing Comments:

  • Singleton Pattern: This class implements the Singleton pattern. Always use RunIndexingTable.instance() to get the singleton instance.

  • url – The URL from which this table can be read.

  • scan_urls – A list of URLs to scan for runs.

  • scan_wait – Time to wait before requeuing a new scan, in seconds.

  • init_parameters – Any initialization parameters.


ValueError – If some conditions, such as invalid URLs, are not met.

  • url – The URL of the table.

  • created – The creation time of the table.

  • description – The description of the table.

  • row_cache_url – The URL of the row cache.

  • row_cache_populated – Whether the row cache is populated.

  • override_table_rows_schema – The schema to override the table rows schema.

  • init_parameters – The initial parameters of the table.

run_indexing_table_instance: tlc.core.objects.tables.system_tables.indexing_tables.run_indexing_table.RunIndexingTable | None = None#
static instance() tlc.core.objects.tables.system_tables.indexing_tables.run_indexing_table.RunIndexingTable#

Returns the singleton RunIndexingTable object

add_scan_url(scan_url: tlc.core.objects.tables.system_tables.indexing._ScanUrl) None#

Adds a Scan URL to the indexing table.

should_consider_object(obj: tlc.core.object.Object) bool#

Only consider Runs