
This module contains the OptionLoader class, which is used to load and store the 3LC options.

Module Contents






Holds the value of a 3LC option


Load the 3LC options.





Format the type for human-readable output.


Check if the type of the given instance matches the hinted type. Returns True if it matches, otherwise returns a tuple of False and a descriptive error message.


Return the default config file.


Return the default config file location.


class tlcconfig.option_loader.Readable

Bases: typing.Protocol

read(mode: str = 'b') bytes | str

Method to read content from the object.

tlcconfig.option_loader.format_type(tp: type) str

Format the type for human-readable output.

tlcconfig.option_loader.check_type(instance: Any, hinted: type) tuple[bool, str]

Check if the type of the given instance matches the hinted type. Returns True if it matches, otherwise returns a tuple of False and a descriptive error message.

tlcconfig.option_loader.get_default_config_file() str

Return the default config file.

tlcconfig.option_loader.get_default_config_file_locations() list[str]

Return the default config file location.

class tlcconfig.option_loader.OptionValue(cls: type[tlcconfig.options.OPTION])

Holds the value of a 3LC option

format() object

Return a formatted version of the value.

validate() None

Validate the value of the option.

Raises an informative ValueError if the value is invalid.

class tlcconfig.option_loader.OptionLoader(config_file: str | None = None, initialize: bool = True, set_additional_arguments: Callable[[tlcconfig.option_loader.OptionLoader], tuple[Any, list[str]]] | None = None)

Load the 3LC options.


Even if config_file is passed in, values from environment variables will override values from the config file.
  • config_file – The config file to use. If None, the default config files will be searched for and used if they exist.

  • initialize – If True, the options will be read from the config file and environment variables. This is the default.


FileNotFoundError – If config_file is set and does not exists.

property config_file: str | None
property config_files: list[str]
property additional_argument_result: tuple[Any, list[str]] | None
get_config() dict[type[tlcconfig.options.OPTION], object]

Return the current configuration as a dictionary.

get_value(option: type[tlcconfig.options.OPTION]) object

Return the value of an option without the config source decoration.

get_config_source(option: type[tlcconfig.options.OPTION]) tlcconfig.options.ConfigSource | list[tlcconfig.options.ConfigSource] | dict[str, tlcconfig.options.ConfigSource]

Return the value of an option.

get_config_source_info(option: type[tlcconfig.options.OPTION]) str | list[str | None] | dict[str, str | None] | None

Return the value of an option.

set_value(option: type[tlcconfig.options.OPTION], value: object, config_source: tlcconfig.options.ConfigSource = ConfigSource.API) None

Set the value of an option.

validate() None

Validate the configuration.

Raises a ValueError if the configuration is invalid.

to_yaml(doc_strings: bool = True, detail: bool = False) str

Return the current configuration as a YAML string.

to_default_yaml(doc_strings: bool = True) str

Return the default configuration as a YAML string.

write_to_yaml_file(filename: str, overwrite: bool = False, doc_strings: bool = True, detail: bool = False) bool

Write the current configuration to a YAML file.

  • filename – The name of the file to write to, if not set the default config file will be used as returned by get_default_config_file.

  • overwrite – If True, the file will be overwritten if it exists. If False, the file will not be written.

  • doc_strings – If True, doc strings will be included as comments in the output YAML file.

update_from_yaml_file(config_file: str | tlcconfig.option_loader.Readable, config_file_type: Literal[tlcconfig.options.ConfigSource.CONFIG_FILE, tlcconfig.options.ConfigSource.SECONDARY_CONFIG_FILE] = ConfigSource.CONFIG_FILE, filter_keys: list[str] | None = None) None

Update the configuration from a YAML file.

update_from_environment() None

Update the configuration from the environment.

update_from_project_root_config_file() None

Update the configuration from the project root config file.

static set_instance(option_loader: tlcconfig.option_loader.OptionLoader) None

Set the instance of the OptionLoader to be used by the rest of the package.


option_loader – The OptionLoader instance to be used by the rest of the application.

static instance() tlcconfig.option_loader.OptionLoader

Return the instance of the OptionLoader to be used by the rest of the application.

If the instance has not been set, a new instance will be created using the defaults.


The OptionLoader instance to be used by the rest of the application.


ValueError – If no valid OptionLoader can be created.

static resolve_effective_config_file(path: str | None = None, env: dict[str, str] | None = None) str | None

Return the effective config file path.

This method is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

This method will search for a valid config file in the following order:

  • Path specified by the path argument

  • Path specified by the TLC_CONFIG_FILE environment variable

  • Default config file locations

  • path – The path to the config file to use. If None, the default config files will be searched for.

  • env – Dict for environment variables. If None, os.environ will be used.


A string with a path to a config file. Returns None if no config file can be found.


FileNotFoundError – If the path argument or TLC_CONFIG_FILE environment variable is specified but the file does not exist.