
Module Contents





Hook into Jupyter’s excepthook to capture unhandled exceptions so that they get reported to Sentry.


Telemetry class for 3LC.



class tlc.core.utils.telemetry.JupyterExcepthookIntegration

Bases: sentry_sdk.integrations.Integration

Hook into Jupyter’s excepthook to capture unhandled exceptions so that they get reported to Sentry.

identifier = jupyter_excepthook
static setup_once() None
class tlc.core.utils.telemetry.Telemetry

Telemetry class for 3LC.

This class is responsible for initializing the telemetry system for 3LC.

telemetry_instance: tlc.core.utils.telemetry.Telemetry | None = None
static instance() tlc.core.utils.telemetry.Telemetry

Get the telemetry instance.

static get_sentry_environment() str

Get the Sentry environment.

This method uses various heuristics to determine the environment in which the code is running.

  1. If the TLC_SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT environment variable is set, it will take precedence over the other logic.

  2. If the tlc module is installed from a wheel, the environment will be set to “production”.

  3. If neither of these are set, we will assume that we are running from a development environment.

static get_sentry_config() tlcsaas.sentry_config.SentryConfiguration
static get_sentry_dashboard_config() dict
property is_enabled: bool
should_capture_messages(is_include_object_service: bool = True) bool
LogLevelStr = None
capture_message(message_text: str, message_tags: dict[str, Any] | None = None, message_extras: dict[str, Any] | None = None, level: LogLevelStr = 'info', include_stack_trace: bool = False) None
class tlc.core.utils.telemetry.RunningMessage(session_id: str, start_time: datetime.datetime)
static get_adapter_stats() dict[str, Any]
async consider_message() None